If you own a vehicle and are driving it every day, you should absolutely get regular oil changes, as it will keep your car in good working condition, especially in cold weather. Many people do not think that it is imperative to get an oil change every 3,000 miles, but the reality is that your car will start to struggle if the oil is not changed regularly, which can cause a ton of problems.
Skipping oil change intervals, or skimping on quality oil changes, can cause your car to stop running properly, resulting in some pretty major damage to the engine. Inevitably, the cost of repairs will end up costing a lot more money than it would have cost you to simply get the oil changed.
Preventative maintenance is something that every driver should think about. Think of oil changes as an investment in your vehicle, rather than a cost. You actually will be saving money in the long run, not to mention the hassle that comes with having to leave your car in the shop for a few days to be worked on.
The great thing is, getting an oil change is fairly inexpensive and the process is very simple and will not take much of your time. You can even call ahead and schedule an appointment.
Is it time for an oil change? Contact our ASE Certified technicians at Dependable Car Care today for more information about oil changes and to schedule an appointment. Our auto shop proudly serves residents in the community of Ventura, CA, and surrounding area.