If you keep your car for any length of time, you will eventually need to find a trustworthy auto repair shop. Leaving your car at an unfamiliar auto shop can make one a little anxious, wondering about the quality of the work to be performed on your vehicle. How can you be confident that you will receive the best auto repair services possible? How do you know what questions to ask about the auto repair needed?
Here are three questions to ask your auto mechanic:
- How much will it cost? Get an estimate for parts and labor. Your mechanic should give you a list of what replacement parts are needed, how much time it will take for repairs, and the cost of the labor per hour. If the total cost is more than your budget will allow at one time, ask what the minimum repairs would be to make the vehicle safe or operational. You can then take your vehicle back at a later time to complete the work.
- Are the replacement parts covered by a warranty? Some parts have a guarantee that covers only a portion of the cost of the part. Make sure you understand why the part needs to be replaced.
- How long will the work take? Don’t leave the auto shop until you understand how long the job will take. You may need to make arrangement for transportation or a loaner vehicle.
Check to see if the auto shop has any specials for services such as oil changes, tire rotations, brake inspections, transmission flush, or others.
Looking for quality auto repair? Contact our ASE Certified technicians at Dependable Car Care for more information about our auto repair services and to schedule an appointment. Our auto shop proudly serves residents in the community of Ventura, CA, and surrounding area.